Criada em 2009, a Beto Brün Produções Artísticas gerencia o selo BB Music e a editora BB Publishing, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento e a realização de projetos diferenciados focados na Música Popular Brasileira, com grande enfoque no Samba, Choro, Forró e ritmos nordestinos. A empresa também desenvolve websites biográficos e organiza shows e eventos.
Nossa missão é o resgate e preservação dos valores de nossa cultura oferecendo Memória, Qualidade e Ineditismo por nosso engajamento às futuras gerações.
Objetivamos contribuir para a manutenção e formação de nossa História Cultural, de nossa Identidade Cultural, trabalhando nossos projetos tanto no Brasil como no exterior. Nossos valores agregam atributos como Qualidade, Credibilidade, Ineditismo, Empreendedorismo, Renovação, Criatividade e principalmente Poesia, porque ela é composta de harmonia, beleza, história, ideal aplicado, espiritualidade, consciência e eternidade e é através dela que tocamos a alma do Homem e podemos, assim, neste simples gesto, causar transformação.
A BB Produções tem como base de filosofia a Imortalidade. Esse objetivo somente é alcançado em ações que se tornem parâmetros de Confiança, Integridade, Talento, Profissionalismo, Esperança e Compromisso.
No desenvolvimento de projetos e captação de recursos no setor musical com artistas que se insiram na filosofia da BB Produções. Artistas com perfil próprio, qualidade e que estejam imbuídos na luta pela manutenção da identidade e memória de nossa cultura. Agindo, portanto, com Ética Profissional em respeito ao seu público.
A BB Produções Artísticas tem a consciência da Responsabilidade Social. A empresa desenvolve uma linha de ação que repercute no cenário artístico brasileiro e na tomada de consciência de seu público: destina parte da renda de seus negócios a instituições de caridade, bem como promove shows beneficientes.
Created in 2009, Beto Brün Artistic Productions, manage the BB Music and the BB Publishing label, looking for the development and the execution of differentiated projects that are focused on MPB, especially in Samba, Choro, Forró and others brazilian rithms. The Company also develops biographic websites and manages shows and events to samba singers.
Our mission is to rescue and preserve all Brazilian cultural values presenting and offering the history, the memory, the quality and the unpublished materials. The company aims to contribute to the maintenance and the formation of our Cultural History. Our values aggregate attributes such as Quality, Enterprising, Renovation and especially the Poem because it is based on harmony, beauty, history, perfection, spirituality, conscience and eternity and it is through all of them that we are able to touch men’s soul and can this way, by this simple gesture, cause Transformation.
By managing Humberto Bruno, the BB Artistic Productions is sure that is contributing for the enrichment of the MPB, especially on the projects based on the traditional samba which recently are conquering an audience constituted by young people who mean the future and future means memory.
BB Artistic Productions has the conscience of the Social Responsibility tied to the singer image and his artistic capacity; the company develops a line of action that represents the Brazilian artistic scenario and the audience conscious endowing part of its revenue to needy institutions.
Created in 2009, Beto Brün Artistic Productions, manage the BB Music and the BB Publishing label, looking for the development and the execution of differentiated projects that are focused on MPB, especially in Samba, Choro, Forró and others brazilian rithms. The Company also develops biographic websites and manages shows and events to samba singers.
Our mission is to rescue and preserve all Brazilian cultural values presenting and offering the history, the memory, the quality and the unpublished materials. The company aims to contribute to the maintenance and the formation of our Cultural History. Our values aggregate attributes such as Quality, Enterprising, Renovation and especially the Poem because it is based on harmony, beauty, history, perfection, spirituality, conscience and eternity and it is through all of them that we are able to touch men’s soul and can this way, by this simple gesture, cause Transformation.
By managing Humberto Bruno, the BB Artistic Productions is sure that is contributing for the enrichment of the MPB, especially on the projects based on the traditional samba which recently are conquering an audience constituted by young people who mean the future and future means memory.
BB Artistic Productions has the conscience of the Social Responsibility tied to the singer image and his artistic capacity; the company develops a line of action that represents the Brazilian artistic scenario and the audience conscious endowing part of its revenue to needy institutions.
Humberto Bruno Pontes Silva CEAC 5555 ( Ente cadastrado para Produção e Músico na Secretaria de Cultura do GDF).
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